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nicewaykimo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Below famous article is a Landmark speech by Barack Obama on Race in America. It teared me and really unforgettable, so I posted it on my Blog. Hopping everyone who read my Blog could enjoy in this speech as well as I did.

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Me原色組合】自覺紫色 + 潛質綠色 + 原生黃色

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BEIJING, China (AP) -- China's deadly earthquake has overshadowed preparations for the Beijing Olympics, taking away attention -- at least temporarily -- from human rights concerns, pro-Tibet demonstrations and Beijing's noxious air.


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CHENGDU, China (CNN) -- Rainy weather and poor logistics thwarted efforts by relief troops who walked for hours over rock, debris and mud on Tuesday in hopes of reaching the worst-hit area of an earthquake that killed nearly 10,000 in central China, state-run media reported.

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2008/05/06 23:54

這次不說什麼規格趨勢省錢奢華KUSO,就單單來提「」這個東西。說實在話,顏色控制著我們的購買慾念,它就像開啟鈔票飛出口袋的那扇門(可能第一扇也可能最後一扇),顏色對了,什麼都好說(來,跟鈔票說BYE BYE~)。

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熱帶氣旋重創 緬甸逾6萬罹難

更新日期:2008/05/07 07:20 編譯陳世欽綜合6日外電報導


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