
Let the debates begin

When Travel + Leisure announced the results of last year's America's Favorite Cities Survey, debates raged on television, in print and on the Internet: Was Chicago really the best destination for food and dining? Did Philadelphians deserve last place in the attractive citizens category? Are Seattle residents really the most intelligent in the country? How could sunny Los Angeles edge out surly New York as the least friendly city?

Cast your vote now

Here's your chance to tell us what YOU think. Visit from March 7 to June 15, take the 2008 America's Favorite Cities Survey and enter to win a dream trip for two. We want to know: Which of these 25 urban contenders has the best shoe shopping or ethnic eats? Where would you go for a romantic escape? Which cities have the best (and worst) museums, theater and live music? If you want a wild weekend or a relaxing retreat, which urban destination would you visit? You know best, so tell us!

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